EU RFD Review and eMaritime Directive

EU RFD Review and eMaritime Directive

 In August, the EU Commission has published an Inception Impact Assessment (i.e. the roadmap) on a Directive  which is more commonly known as the Reporting Formalities Directive (RFD).To recall, on 20 October 2010, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2010/65/EU on reporting formalities for ships arriving in and/or departing from ports of the Member States. So, how did it go? Was it a sucess? Read the EU Commission external support study for the RFD evaluations was published also in August. But what is the consequence for EU ship supply? What is the challenge and what is the benefit? OCEAN's Working Group has taken a closer look

The Ship Supplier published

The Ship Supplier published

The Ship Supplier is ISSA’s flagship magazine. Published 3 to 4 times a year it is circulated to 4,500 ISSA members, ship owners, ship managers and most marine-related organisations worldwide. The magazine is a highly targeted advertising medium that reaches key decision makers in the world of maritime procurement. Click on the link to see the magazine and full details of advertising opportunities.

New European Portal: Q & A for shipsupply included!

New European Portal: Q & A for shipsupply included!

Q & As for ship suppliers are part of the first phase of a new web portal to help ship supply companies to understand and follow the customs procedures for delivering goods onboard of vessels in the EU.